I love creating...actually I live for it. My daughter who is a wizard at marketing tells me ideas fall from my lips like I have rollodex full just waiting to be used. While I may not totally agree with that, I do tend to have a head full of creativity and I do take advantage of it often, however.....I've discovered something. Never force yourself to create when your heart isn't in it. I've tried for two days to finish a quilt top. It was going well and I stopped yesterday to take time out to run to the store. Two hours later and a tow truck, my car was at the shop and I was back home. My heart and mind wasn't thinking about sitting down and concentrating on this creative bit of stuff I had been working on earlier. I was determined to press on and pass procrastination so I took a short nap and went back to sewing. Lo and behold, this morning I looked at what I did and it was a mess. I had sewn things together that made no sense. With a seam ripper in hand I fixed my mistakes and went back to sewing; stopping long enough to take a few hours off for a job interview. The interview got cancelled and moved to tomorrow. A wasted trip and now my mood was not good. After calling on my car and finding out they could find nothing wrong (it always acts perfect when they get it in the shop) I sat down to finish my project only to discover at the end I had added rows where non existed. In short I had done about an hour of sewing that had to be taken apart before I could complete what I was doing. My eyes got blurred and my mind was mush. The moral to this story is to not put myself on such a tight time constraint and to not force the creative juices to flow when they are drying up. Since the ability to create is usually there I need to remember that sometimes I need to give myself a break to refill my tank. The project will wait until tomorrow. I'm going to take a long nap!
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